Free Memory Screening

Wed, Nov 13, 2019
10:00am to 12:00pm ET


African Americans are at twice the risk of memory loss due to dementia. Some memory loss can be stopped or reversed if a treatable cause is found. If you concerned about your memory, or that of a loved one, come see us! Staff from the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Center will administer free memory screenings, provide educational materials, and answer your questions about memory loss and brain health. Screening includes questions about your health history and a 10-minute test of memory and thinking abilities. Those interested in signing up for discovery programs to study memory loss can learn more and provide a blood sample. A copy of your memory screen results will be provided to you. This is not a diagnosis, but you will be given guidance on what to do next. All results are confidential.

Schell Sweet Community Center, 1697 Kings Road, Jacksonville, FL 32209


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